
Countrywide Wool Testing has been in the industry for 15 years, assisting graziers in Australia throughout NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand to enhance their breeding programs.
The OFDA 2000 is the most accurate and precise tool available to the industry. It has been developed to measure wool properties on farm or in the lab without involved sample preparation, taking an average of 30 secs per animal. The properties measured and provided in real-time are:
Mean Fibre diameter (including a distribution histogram).
Co-efficient of variation of diameter.
Percentage of fibres less than 30 micron (comfort factor).
Curvature and standard deviation of curvature.
Staple length.
Position of finest and broadest points along the staple.
Countrywide Wooltests also offers weighing of fleeces in shed and indexing of the samples as per the grazier’s choice.
Samples can also be sent to our office for testing, if preferred.
We can facilitate electronic tags with a portable reader.
Detailed reports are then prepared in a number of formats, i.e., histograms, tag summary, micron summary and excel spreadsheets, dependent on the client’s preferences.

Wool Testing for over 15 years
CWT Request Form
Sample Bags
Data Management
EID Tags and Equipment
Gross fleece weights
indexed reports